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Yerfis is happy to lend is expertise to opinion forums, if you require our staff to collaborate with you, please ask.
Upcoming events
Perspectives for pharmacies in the new century. Interview in Pharmaceutical Journal (Spanish)
Reach of the right for moral objection of the pharmacist
Interview in Square Roots. Opinion with regards to the state of pharmacy in the UK, Spain & EU over the last 10 years. (Spanish)
Learning to get others to depend from us. Opinion article in the face of possible OTC dispensing of the morning after pill. (Spanish)
Towards an alliance. Opinion article on the situation of pharmacy and consequences of the TCE decision. (Spanish)
Residential pharmaceutical care, a window of opportunities. (Spanish)
SIDD, the definite advance in modern pharmaceutical care. Study of the impact of individualised dispensing in Spain. (Spanish)
The failure of compliance, the great problem of pharmaceutical care. (Spanish)
Legal and actual perspectives of SIDD (Spanish)
Phamacotherapeutical intervention as an element of cohesion of the health system. (Spanish)
Pharmaceutical care for all from zero: an alternative approach. (Spanish)
Posological compliance: Who should take control? (Spanish)
New perspectives in Residential pharmaceutical care (Spanish)
A chronicle of a journey. Perspectives of pharmacy in the face of massive generic market. (Spanish)
Perspectivas de la formación académica de la Facultad de Farmacia. Mesa Redonda, Facultad de Farmacia de Sevilla.
Keynote address a ParTech sobre la liberación de matrices inertes
Master de Tecnología Farmacéutica y GMP de la Universidad de Sevilla, Profesor
Optimizando la dispensación. Poster en el Congreso Farmacéutico de Barcelona
Regulatory services
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Regulatory services
Quality Certification and management
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Regulatory services
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